Membership Categories
Ag Ally - $100
- General Consumers
- 4-H/FFA parent
- Etc.
Agricultural - $375
An Agricultural membership of SCFB is for individuals directly involved in the agriculture industry and want obtain voting rights in the Farm Bureau. Farm Bureau will serve as their voice, advocate, and supporter to help maintain their way of life possible in the state of California. Agricultural members will receive all local and state Farm Bureau member discounts, Stanislaus Farm News, Stanislaus Farm E-News, and Ag Alert.
- Ag Professionals
- PCA’s, Farmers
- Ranchers
- Dairyman
- Producers
- 4-H/FFA parent
- Etc.
AgSafe & Agricultural FB Member - $425
Stanislaus County Farm Bureau has partnered with AgSafe to offer a dual membership package. This membership level will provide an AgSafe Membership along with your voting Agricultural Farm Bureau Membership. AgSafe is the one-stop resource providing worker safety, health, human resources, and food safety solutions for the food and farming industries.
- Farmers
- Ranchers
- Dairyman
- Producers
- Food Processors
- Etc.
Business - $450
A Business member of SCFB is a business that is directly or indirectly involved in the agriculture industry. A business that wants to show their support to the agricultural industry and would benefit from our members as customers would be a great candidate for a Business Membership. This membership comes with all the benefits of an agriculture member, a discount on advertisement in the Stanislaus Farm News, a listing in our Business Directory, and member rates for attendees at Farm Bureau hosted trainings.
- Farm Credits
- Tractor Dealers
- Insurance Companies
- Hullers
- Chemical suppliers
- Etc.
AgSafe & Business FB Member - $500
Stanislaus County Farm Bureau has partnered with AgSafe to offer a dual membership package. This membership level will provide an AgSafe Membership along with your voting Business Farm Bureau Membership.
- Hullers
- Dairies
- Farms
- Etc.
Presidents Club - Silver $1,200, Gold $2,350, Platinum $3,500
This is the highest level of membership and represents a major commitment to and belief in Farm Bureau. It is custom tailored for large operations, multi-generational family farms or a business with multiple locations/branches.
Each Presidents Club Membership comes with:
- One-time feature article in Stanislaus Farm News
- Listed in our Business Directory as a Presidents Club Member
- Advertising credit
- Advertising discounts
- Company logo and website link on our website and e-newsletter
- Complimentary booth at Spray Safe ($500 value)
- And many other custom options
Platinum1 Business $3,500 |
Gold1 Business $2,350 |
Silver1 Business $1,200 |
Benefits of Membership
Stanislaus County Farm Bureau has an extensive list of discounts, exclusive offers and other promotions. Click the link below to see the full list!

Join Farm Team!
Farm Team, a program set up by the California Farm Bureau Federation, is a way for members to communicate with their elected officials, particularly when faced with issues that may affect agriculture. As issues arise, you will be emailed a link to send notification to your elected officials. At the 2019 Annual Meeting of the California Farm Bureau, a new text system was also unveiled. Stanislaus County Farm Bureau has the largest and most active county Farm Team system
Stay in the Know!
Enter your email here to learn more about Farm Bureau and how to become a member.